Reaction Explorer / Help / Walkthrough: Progress Checklist Review
This walkthrough illustrates the steps needed to review ones progress checklist towards completing a set of class requirements.

Click on each screenshot to advance to the next step.

Step 01: Navigate to the User Records Setup Section Top
Click on the "User Records: Problem Completion Records" link under Featured Sections.

Step 02: Enter Your Class and ID Information Top
Select which class requirements you are looking for, enter your user ID (student ID number), and then click on "View Progress Checklist."

Mouse over the screenshot to see an example of the filled out form.

Step 03: Review Your Progress Checklist Top
This page represents a checklist of the major criteria needed to satisfy different class credit requirements. Each requirement can have 3 different status codes:
  • Pending (not yet complete, due date has not passed),
  • Complete (completed before the due date),
  • Incomplete (not completed by the due date and the due date has passed)
Presently there are two major requirement types:

Assigned Problems: Listed on the right. Each is identified by a number and has a corresponding due date and completion status.

Random (Non-Assigned) Problems: Listed in the middle-left, are a set of time periods and problem counts. You must complete the specified number of problems within each time period to satisfy each requirement. Note that the assigned problems completed on the right do not count towards this total, but any other problems will (assuming they fulfill other specified criteria, such as having "max steps" set to at least 2).